Next Dance Film Lab May 24th!

The first event of the expanded Dance Film Lab was a great success, as you can see from the testimony of one of the participants, below. When I go to Dance Film Lab, I am sure to have a good experience.  Whether I am showing my own video or appreciating and commenting on others’ videos, I learn about what makes dance film work.  Zach is an excellent moderator, corralling the conversation toward supportive feedback, and giving spot-on feedback himself.   All levels are welcome in this environment and people are helpful to each other, both by giving support and feedback, and also by exchanging practical tips.  I highly recommend this ongoing workshop.  Elena TaJo, filmmaker/DFA Member And another from an earlier alumna of DFL: Hi Zach, How are you? You may not remember but I came to a Dance Film Lab – nearly a year ago! I was actually so inspired by the experience that I wrote the beginnings of a screenplay on the train on my way home. Shortly thereafter, I founded my own dance film production company, DANCELEN(D)S. Today, we released our first independent production – manouevres – on YouTube, with an incredible street crew and company called Project Valentine. That lab really helped me to move forward on the goals I had to explore dance film in my own way – and so I just wanted to reach out and say thank you! All the best, Jennifer (Madison)
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